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We believe that sustainability is a vision that involves all company phases

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acqua astratto

By reducing the use of water and energy

The choice of renewable sources and dyeing technologies that reduce water and energy waste is a fundamental part of our daily research.

The use of solar panels in our production and administrative sites, the choice of ecological vehicles.

The choice of regenerated or sustainable raw materials

Our motto is to try to replace a product made with virgin fibers with one made from recycled fibers.

We have already transformed a large part of the production of our best sellers of synthetic origin, making them into regenerated, preconsumer and / or postconsumer raw materials

NEW Our RF (Residual Free) line, using Nilit Sensil Biocare yarn, which decomposes much faster than a traditional polyamide both in anaerobic environment and in sea water, helps to significantly reduce the presence of microplastics

Donna e plastica bianca
Esperimenti di laboratorio

The choice in the use of chemicals

We are certified


It certifies that our fabrics do not contain and do not release substances harmful to human health

The certificate represents a standard in the textile sector for consumer protection.



REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) is a system of registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals. It is a certificate that excludes the use of chemicals harmful to the environment and human health during the production phases of a product.

Oceano inquinato di plastica

Sensitization of our customers and our employees to respect for the environment


From all this follows

The reduction of emissions and waste

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